Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cats breeds 3

Three Best Indoor Cat Breeds

Three popular indoor cat breeds in the United States include Maine Coons, Russian Blues and Siamese. You should choose your feline breed by the quirks you.

A World Of Cat Breeds - CatStation

"I didn't even know that there were different cat breeds," a man was recently overheard exclaiming. "I thought a cat was a cat... just different colors"

Traditional Balinese Cat Breed FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Traditional Balinese Cat.

Cat Breeds - Learn about the breeds of cats

Learn about the breeds of cats here on our pages. Each one is unique in its own special way.

Planet Pets Cat Information Directory

Being a slim and elegant cat, it shares these traits with other breeds like the Cornish Rex, ... The Persian is the easiest going of the breed cats.

Cat Breeders / Cat Boarding

Siamese and Oriental Breeders Canberra Australia. Registered breeders of pedigree Siamese and Oriental cats. For information about Stud and Kitten.

What Are the Most Popular Cat Breeds?

Did you know that the Cat Fancier's Association of America (CFA) recognizes 41 cat breeds? Usually when people talk about breeds, they're normally talking.

Cats - Breeders Breeds Health Kittens Classifieds

Our mission is to provide as much information about Cats, and people involved with Cats as possible. That means sections devoted to Cat Breeds, Cat Breeders.

Rare Cat Breeds - LoveToKnow Cats

If you're the type of person that marches to the beat of your own drum, you may be interested in one of the more unique, rare cat breeds for.

Inherited disorders in cats - confirmed and suspected

On this section of the website, you will find a list of conditions that can occur in cats and which appear to have an inherited basis.

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